July 6, 2010

30 Days Faceless Day 29

Think of a time when someone told you a secret. They told you not to tell anyone else. I know this has happened to me dozens of times. When I was younger I was obsessed with "secrets". You could say this is what meant that me and someone else were true friends. A secret would be told. This is when we knew, or we hoped we did, that that the other person would be trustworthy and not tell anyone. Most of the time, the secrets were about boys; who we liked at that time or who we thought was cute. And other secrets were just gossip; rumors about who liked who.

When I was younger, it was easy to keep secrets. I was probably the most trustworthy person I knew. But if someone asked me to keep a secret from my best friend at that time, I was doomed. I told her everything. I almost died once in her bedroom because I was bursting at the seams to tell her a secret from someone else. It wasn't because I wanted to blackmail that other person, or be unloyal. It was because I was so used to not ever being on a leash with my tongue with my best friend. I could trust her with anything. And she could trust me. We could spend days with eachother and never become sick of the other person. We talked constantly.

As I grew older, I began to keep more things to myself. This is probably because as I grew older, more serious things began to happen in my life. Serious sin as well. Some things were kept secret at all costs. I didn't even tell one person.

I once heard that perhaps it would be better for the world if everyone's sins were broadcasted on the news for all to see. What if your deepest secrets; your sins that no one knows about, or few people know about, were on the evening news? What if they were described in detail, revealing all of the times you lied, cheated, stole, disobeyed, and gossiped. They even talked about your envious desires and lustful thoughts.

What if everyone knew everyone's sin? I think sometimes we are so guilty, embarrassed, or shameful of our sin that we are afraid to tell anyone. Maybe it was a past sin or maybe it is an ongoing addiction or struggle that we just can't bring ourselves to talk about with anyone. Trust me. It is so much better to tell someone. Don't tell just anyone. Tell someone you know you can trust.

Keeping secrets gets old after a while.

"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." Mark 4:22

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