January 31, 2011

30 Letters Day 6

Dear Someone,

I don't know you, but I love you. I don't know what your name is. I don't know your favorite color. I don't even know what you want most in life. I don't care that I might never know who you are. Because I might never know what you look like. And I might never know how you learn or what you love or who you love. But I know this. When you mess up, I'll forgive you. When you cry, I'll hold you. When you fall down, I'll give you a kiss and help you back up. When you say something you don't mean, I will understand. When you run away from home because you just want to do something "bad" to feel like you're really "living", I'll be there to pick you up when you are tired of "living". When your heart is broken, or when you break someone else's, I'll be here to point you to the One who mends and to support you while you heal. When you When you need me, I will be here. I promise.



January 30, 2011

30 Letters Day 5

Dear Someone,

You are so close and yet so far. Sometimes I feel as if I will never reach where you are. I've been told I won't. I've been told it will never happen. I want to give up and die. Self pity is my enemy. I feel bad for myself. I become depressed and talk down to myself. I tell myself I'm not good enough for you. I tell myself I can never do it.

But I want you so bad. I am determined I will have you. If not today, I will tomorrow. The times I persevere outnumber the times I sit and cry. The times I work for you outnumber the times I give up and stare. There is so much I have to achieve in order to get where I want to be. Sometimes I become discouraged. But that doesn't mean I have given up on you. It might take a while, but please wait for me.



January 29, 2011

30 Letters Day 4

Dear Someone,

I know I never talk to you. But you never talk to me. You left when you were just fifteen. I don't think I've really seen you since. Maybe I saw glimpses of your face. But I don't remember. You were gone. We never talked. We never hung out or even saw each other. When I tried, you shut me out. I wrote you letters that you ignored. I tried to call but you were too busy. You made me cry, so many times. You confuse me when you're nice. You upset me when you speak. The grudge I hold against you hasn't even peaked. You're miles and miles away. I don't remember when you weren't. My heart has hardened on this subject. And you don't even know.



January 28, 2011

30 Letters Day 3

Dear Someone,

I miss you more than anything. I miss talking to you and hearing your thoughts. You are not only the smartest person I know, you are the wisest. I miss listening to your wonderful voice; the voice that tells hilarious stories, teases me to death, and breaks into songs from forty years ago.

The past few years we have become closer. But we have also grown farther apart. You are over six hundred miles away from me, in what I call, a foreign country. I don't remember when our last phone call was. I only remember promising to call more and I haven't.

I wish you would tell me things. I wish I knew if you were embarrassed or just forgetful. I hate hearing things from others that you could tell me yourself. But I'm not mad anymore. This is what made me upset eight months ago. I will not hold a grudge again. I promise. I owe you that much.

I love you. I wish you would hold me right now so I could cry in your arms. If I could only have one wish that would be it. And if I were there I would ask you, why aren't you angry like me? Why don't you hold a grudge? You have more of a reason than I do, and yet you don't. I don't know how you do it. But that is one of the many reasons I am in awe of you.



January 27, 2011

30 Letters Day 2

Dear Someone,

I remember the first time I met you. In my mind I had already set you up with my newly made friend. I love being a matchmaker, or at least attempting it. How naive I was at the time of the people's thoughts that were around me. I wasn't even looking for what I found. But I guess it found me.

By the time I realized what was really happening, my head had spun so far around that I couldn't see what was right in front of me. I was so confused by your interest in me that seemed almost nonchalant at the time. I went back and forth in my opinions and feelings so much that I didn't know what my thoughts even were.

But even though I was cynical, I realized you were sincere. It was surprising to no one but me. That is when my head began to stop spinning. That is when I started to fall. I had made up my mind, and yet I was still afraid.

It is only now that I recognize how fearful of life I really am. I wish I were more like you.



January 26, 2011

30 Letters Day 1: my first letter

Dear Someone,

You are not here. I am here and you are not. I feel like I'm fourteen again, trying to find out who I really am. All I know is that I have changed. Maybe you have changed too. Or maybe it's just me. It doesn't matter. I have learned that there is no convincing you of anything. You have your own mind and your own agenda. If I am wrong please stop me now. You have the talent of saying just what ticks me off. It can be the tiniest thing that seems like it doesn't matter. But believe me it does matter. Everything matters to me. I just want to know what matters to you. Stop trying so hard. I know many people who love you and think the world of you. They don't matter. Only One person does. You and I both know who He is. So don't listen to me. I don't matter. I just hope you get where you want to be.

