January 30, 2011

30 Letters Day 5

Dear Someone,

You are so close and yet so far. Sometimes I feel as if I will never reach where you are. I've been told I won't. I've been told it will never happen. I want to give up and die. Self pity is my enemy. I feel bad for myself. I become depressed and talk down to myself. I tell myself I'm not good enough for you. I tell myself I can never do it.

But I want you so bad. I am determined I will have you. If not today, I will tomorrow. The times I persevere outnumber the times I sit and cry. The times I work for you outnumber the times I give up and stare. There is so much I have to achieve in order to get where I want to be. Sometimes I become discouraged. But that doesn't mean I have given up on you. It might take a while, but please wait for me.



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