In Mark Chapter 2, Jesus is questioned by people. They asked him why was it that John's disciples and the Pharisees fasted, but Jesus' disciples were not. Jesus' answer was this: "How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. But the time will ome when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast."
(verses 18-20)
What is fasting? Well, generally, it is going without something. In this text, it is food. But you don't have to fast from food. You can fast from a variety of things. Fasting is a challenge because it is giving up something you really like. I could fast from playing video games...but that wouldn't do anything for me, since I don't even play them.
When you fast, you give up something that is taking the place of God in your life. Maybe it is keeping you from reading your Bible everyday, or from sharing the Gospel, or from praying, or from meditating and listening to God.
But that is not the end of it. You not only give it up, you put God in place of that thing. The time you spent on the thing you are fasting from, now becomes God's time with you.
It is an amazing thing to do; something that will bring you incredibly close to God.
This is why Jesus' disciples did not fast. They were already there with Jesus Christ; doing His work, talking with him, listening to Him, and learning from him. Jesus said there will be a time after He leaves that the disciples will fast.
Jesus wants us to fast. No, this is not a constant thing we are supposed to do. But it keeps our focus on God. It is a type of worship; showing Him that He is all that we Need and want; that we would give up stuff for Him.
Good stuff Ali. I really like reading your blog. Always pertinent in my life. Encourages me to grow closer to God.