Dear readers..
Today is day 30 of my 30 days in the Word. I didn't write in this blog every day. I missed 2 days in reading God's word. But I dug into His word the 28 days that I did read.
And I saw my heart. And I saw it changed. I saw it not want to change. I saw Jesus mold me. I saw him hold me. I felt Him with me. Sometimes I was angry. Sometimes I was sad. Sometimes I was so happy. I cried and laughed and smiled and frowned and yelled and shouted and screamed and I was silent. There were days I never felt closer to God before. There were days I felt lower than the dust of the ground.
Because my bones were broken. They were ground into dust when I kept silent. And now I speak because I can't keep silent anymore.
But I can't speak to you. You are not my Father. You are not My Best Friend. You don't understand me the way He does. You don't know me inside and out. You don't know my heart. You don't know my every thought. You don't know why every tear falls. You don't know my pain or struggles. You don't know me at all.
That's why I only fall at the feet of Jesus. That's why He is the Only One who changes my heart...
I'm not sure what else to do.
You are learning to base your life on TRUTH and that is huge. And this whole learning, stretching, waiting thing is a lifelong adventure with God. Him loving you; you loving him..keep listening and relying on Him